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What does break-word mean in CSS?

break-word: Indicates that normally unbreakable words may be broken at arbitrary points if there are no otherwise acceptable break points in the line. Source. The word-break CSS property is used to specify whether to break lines within words. normal: Use the default line break rule.

Does word-break break-word still work?

MDN Web Docs say that word-break: break-word is deprecated but will probably still works, but the real reason I started looking at an alternative is that visual studio doesn't auto-complete break-word anymore :) Solution ? Wraps the words to new line, and only breaks the word if it need to.

Does the word-break property support a deprecated break-word keyword?

For compatibility with legacy content, the word-break property also supports a deprecated break-word keyword. When specified, this has the same effect as word-break: normal and overflow-wrap: anywhere, regardless of the actual value of the overflow-wrap property. source here It worked perfectly on my websites.

Is there a word break in the CJC text?

Não permite quebra de linha para texto CJC. Texto não-CJC se comporta como normal. Para evitar o vazamento, palavras que normalmente não seriam quebradas podem ser quebradas em pontos arbitrários se não houver pontos de quebra válidos na linha. The definition of 'word-break' in that specification.

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